Saturday, November 26, 2005

For a Friend...

Nov 24 Now there is this friend whom I got to know in the virtual world…we’ve met once, and I remember how – we did not get talking much, but then I could sense a feeling of friendship- we were both a bit shy about venturing to talk, but it felt like we knew eachother- we don’t write very often, but still I can feel the undercurrents of mutual concern and affection.

The other day, she called me because she knew that I was feeling down- she did not have my number, and so she called up a couple of friends- and got my number and called me- now the best part is that I “knew” she wanted to reach out- I got the “feeling” earlier-but I did not tell her that when she called because it sounded too uncanny-

Though we kind of skimmed through niceties- and the how’re u – hope u’re feeling better, and there were these moments of silences interlaced- but comfortable silences- Like there was communication without words- it was like we were conversing parallely using silence. I don’t know if she felt it too- but I wouldn’t be surprised if she did.

We may meet eachother perhaps again, and I don’t know if we’ll get the time to go beyond the “how’re u’s”- and catching up with the superficial – and yet I know that inspite of this there is this invisible feeling of friendship bonding us and I’m content with this awareness…

I don’t know if she’ll be reading this, and even if she did, perhaps she might wonder if it is her that I’m talking about- still I’d like to tell her that which I might never tell her to her face- Thank you dear friend, for your friendship…and affection…I cherish it…

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